How to check gitlab version from commandline
If the gitlab is omnibus installation, we can use the following steps to check the version.
Step1: Login to gitlab server as root via ssh
Step2: Run the following command. It will disaplay all the info about the gitlab installed.
#gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info
Sample output:
System information
System: Ubuntu 12.04
Current User: git
Using RVM: no
Ruby Version: 2.1.7p400
Gem Version: 2.2.5
Bundler Version:1.10.6
Rake Version: 10.4.2
Sidekiq Version:3.3.0
GitLab information
Version: 8.2.2
Revision: 08fae2f
Directory: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails
DB Adapter: postgresql
URL: https://your.hostname
HTTP Clone URL: https://your.hostname/some-group/some-project.git
SSH Clone URL: git@your.hostname:some-group/some-project.git
Using LDAP: yes
Using Omniauth: no
GitLab Shell
Version: 2.6.8
Repositories: /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories
Hooks: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks/
Git: /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git