How to install Rsyslog with loganalyzer in centos
RSYSLOG is the rocket-fast system for log processing. It offers high-performance, great security features and a modular design. While it started as a regular syslogd, rsyslog has evolved into a kind of swiss army knife of logging, being able to accept inputs from a wide variety of sources, transform them, and output to the results to diverse destinations.
Adiscon LogAnalyzer is a web inter-face to syslog and other network event data. It provides easy browsing, analysis of realtime network events and reporting services.
This article explains the detailed steps to configure rsyslog with log analyzer in Centos server.
Step1: Install and configure LAMP server
Step2: Install the Rsyslog
#yum install rsyslog rsyslog-mysql
Step3: Stop and disable syslog service
#service syslog stop
#chkconfig syslog off
Step4: Start rsyslog service and enable it to run in startup
#service rsyslog start
#chkconfig rsyslog on
Step5: Create the Rsyslog database and User
Rsyslog provides sql script to create database and tables. Use this script to create database and tables as below
#mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-mysql-5.8.10/createDB.sql
Don't forget to assign privileges to the user on this new database
Step6: Open the rsyslog config file "/etc/rsyslog.conf" and add the below line
$ModLoad ommysql
*.* :ommysql:,Syslog,rsyslog,root
Step7: Restart the Rsyslog service
#service rsyslog restart
Step8: Download loganalyzer source
Step9: Extract the downloaded file
#tar xvf loganalyzer-3.6.5.tar.gz
Step10: Move the extracted file to document root
#mv loganalyzer-3.6.5/src /var/www/html/loganalyzer
Step11: Create a config file and give permission to apache user
#cd /var/www/html/loganalyzer
#touch config.php
#chown apache:apache config.php
#chmod 777 config.php
Ste12: Take the url in browser and complete the GUI installation
Don't forget to change the "systemevents" spelling to "SystemEvents"
That's all........