how to install MKLiveStatus in Centos
MKLiveStatus is a module written by Mathias Kettner for interfacing Nagios. MKLivestatus make use of the Nagios Event Broker API and loads a binary module into the Nagios process. This plugin opens a socket by which data can be retrieved on demand.
Step1: Install depencdencies
#yum install gcc-c++
Step2: Download the latest version of mk-livestatus
#wget ''
Step3: Extract the downloaded package
#tar xzf mk-livestatus-1.2.8.tar.gz
Step4: Change the location to the extracted folder
#cd mk-livestatus-1.2.8
Step5: Compile and install the package
#./configure --with-nagios4
#make install
Step6: Create new directory for mk-livestatus
#mkdir /usr/local/nagios/mk-livestatus
Step7: Correct the ownership of the folder
#chown nagios:apache /usr/local/nagios/mk-livestatus
Step8: Edit nagios config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg' and update the below lines
broker_module=/usr/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o /usr/local/nagios/mk-livestatus/live
Step9: Restart nagios service
#service nagios restart
Step10: Verify the setup
#echo 'GET hosts' | unixcat /usr/local/nagios/mk-livestatus/live
That's all....